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Author Topic: Interested to give Nonenon control panel a try? System requirements is very simple.
ID # 1

  Posted on September 24, 2021 03:39 AM (#1)  |  Quote Quote   PM PM   E-mail E-mail
Interested to give Nonenon control panel a try ?

System requirements is very simple. Nonenon control panel software itself require less than 25mb memory to run. It is indeed a very lightweight and efficient control panel. The memory intake which use up the most are based on the distro which you choose. Centos 7,8, debian 10 require a minimum of 512mb or more memory to run . This mean the very basic setup is 512mb RAM and a minimal 10GB freespace. It operate very well on virtual & dedicated machine.

Check out the following:

- Standalone version

- OS: CentOS 7, 8.x (x86_64 - 64bit) ; Debian 10 (x86_64 - 64bit)

- Harddisk: Minimal 10GB of freespace (It depends on how many websites you going to host, resource plans)

- Harddisk layout: Default Layout without LVM or with LVM/Raid so expanding free space (add hdd) is easy.

- RAM memory: Minimal 512Mb recommended.

- CPU: Works fine on a old Core2Duo/333Mhz machine

Download control panel and install onto your distro today:

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