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Author Topic: NoneNon Control Panel makes it easier than ever to setup a complete linux server
ID # 1

  Posted on August 05, 2021 05:44 AM (#1)  |  Quote Quote   PM PM   E-mail E-mail
Managing virtual server & dedicated server servers has always been a tedious task. But what If I told you there was an easier way to manage them all from one easy to use panel?

NoneNon Control Panel(NON) make your setup, maintenance and scheduling 1000% easier!

An Install script is provide to automate the installation of NoneNon Control Panel(NON) .

At the end of the installation, you get a complete functional Email,Database,FTPS,File Manager, DNS, Development( PHP, Perl,CGI, Django, RubyonRail and more) server .

This is literally the fastest way to get NoneNon Control Panel(NON) up and running on your VPS or Dedicated linux server.

Posts: 8 | Member since: March 2021 | IP address: saved

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